Trim Paths is a tool in Adobe After Effects that allows you to make precise adjustments to shape layer paths. 720x480) it will properly scale and maintain the width ratios.In this video tutorial, we cover how to harness the power of this simple, hidden feature in Adobe After Effects - Trim Paths. Bonus: if you save a template from the frame, when you apply it to a different sized title (e.g. No, it's not as elegant as an effect, but it's workable. It will also retain the relative size as you increase or decrease the size of the photo. This way, you can animate the framed photo clip, and the frame will move with it.

In short, X Position is one-half of Width, and Y Position is one-half of Height. For example, if you had an 800圆00 photo you were using, you'd set it up like: Width 800, Height 600, X Position 400, Y Position 300. Change the Width, Height, X Position and Y Position so that they reflect the dimensions of your sequence/clip. While the rectangle is still selected, go to Title Properties tab, and swivel down the Transform options if they're not already.Don't worry if it's a little too big or small or off center you can ignore all the tool values as well. In the Title tool, select the Rectangle Tool and draw a box that completely covers the image in the preview panel.Name it something like "border" or "frame." Create a new title while your sequence is active this will enter the dimensions of the sequence into the dimensions of the title.This will create a sequence with your clip in it, and it will match the dimensions of the clip. Drag your photo or clip to the New Item button at the bottom of the Project panel.Here's a slightly more flexible option, even though it requires a bit more work: