Reading the meth crackback
Reading the meth crackback

reading the meth crackback

“If the kids find out you’re lying, they’ll think you’re lying about other things too.” The pattern is an old one.

reading the meth crackback

“It’s a dangerous myth,” says Herbert Kleber, the demand-reduction deputy to federal drug czar William Bennett. But what worries a growing number of drug experts is that the cry of wolf about instant addiction may backfire. That doesn’t mean it’s safe to play with crack, or with most other drugs, legal or illegal. As children in drug-using communities can see for themselves, the users show a wide range of drug symptoms, from total impairment to almost none. And even among the current users, there are almost surely more occasional smokers than chronic abusers. … By the best estimate, at least 2.4 million Americans have tried crack, but contrary to the myth, less than half a million now use it once a month or more. In their zeal to shield young people from the plague of drugs, the media and many drug educators have hyped the very real dangers of crack into a myth of instant and total addiction. Don’t tell the kids, but there’s a dirty little secret about crack: as with most other drugs, a lot of people use it without getting addicted.

Reading the meth crackback